When directors who have more or less carved an envious niche for themselves in the league of bigwigs, then resort to sensationalism and outright crassiness to tell a story that had the potential of beingdifferent.all you can say in utter disgust isyeh kahaan aa gaye hum!
Ok granted there maybe case when a doddering 60 yr.old fantasises about his daughters friends. although to his good fortune he has not met me, or I might have shown him a few karate chops and made him realise just how out of step he is in more ways than one. but then RGV was making the film about a pair who were as if salivating at the mouth waiting on tenterhooks for a situation of the kind to pop up.Incredibly stupid.
What hits you between the eyes is the total lack of sensitivity and subtleties in dealing with this rather cheesy take off on life. There was a film called Lamhe and what a film it was. the soul was more or les similar but the treatment was as different as chalk from cheese.
RGV it appeared was in no mood to legitimise the physicality of the relationship, although never indulged in but implied implicitly. Never has he bothered to assign cause or give reason as to why the both of these creatures decide to shower each other with a passion which gives you the heebie jeebies.
Bhagwan bachaaye from further such attempts . Thank god the film failed or we would have had to bear the onslaught of clones emerging out from every corner of India wn all languages.
Cannot blame Ab.he played it to the best of his capacity.though never for a moment did you believe in the possibility of its relevance in todays times.unless of course he was Donald Trump .which he certainly was not.
Jiah has possibilities that gal.she is bold daring and I guess epitomised in everyday life her character on screen. Kept wondering though. how did our RGV resist her .or did he? Was this the point in any case.
The maturity of the audience in having rejected the film has to be commended. no amount of Lolita like bathing under the hose in the garden clips got them to shell out dough. On one hand you yearn for good cinema nad on the other when Ab and RGV combine to churn out trash you wonder just how and why do these projects take off. Sincere makers will not even get an audience with either of them.
All in all a rather poor attempt at new age cinema. with only the breathtaking cinematography keeping you in the mood to keep watching. the major crutch on which RGV hinged his film. but sadly nothing can save meaningless cinema.
RGV .the man with a vision has as if gone down under the burden of hisown image. needs to re discover himself badly and till then take a hiatus.