It is a beautiful novel written by Saratchandra Chattopadhyay. It may look like a typical saas-bahu serial and it is. But, SaratBabu’s description and the plot that he creates are always such that you will never forget the essence.
Here, the strong willed Shailaja is made an outcast due to misunderstanding; much later elders realize their mistake just in time to save the family from disintegration.
plot revealed ahead:
It is a story about 2 brothers (Girish and Harish) and their cousin, (Ramesh) living together with their families.
The plot is set in a joint family household as that was the popular format of lifestyle while SaratBabu was alive. The two brothers are practicing lawyers and are well off. They earn well to support the whole joint family. It was only Ramesh who had achieved nothing. All the three brothers are happily married to three different wives (child marriage was not shocking during that era).
Ramesh is married to Shailaja, a strong-willed woman . The whole household obeys her command. It is not out of fright but, her presence. There are such people in this world for whom respect wells up automatically in our hearts just because of who they are. But, the irony is that she was married to a complete failure. But, this was never her agony. The family lived happily.
Nayantara the second brother’s wife did not live at her ancestral place along with Shailaja and Siddheshwari (Girish’s wife) for a long time as Harish’s work was situated at Kolkata’s suburbs. Now they return along with their only pampered child. He wont obey Shailaja. A fight happens. Nayantara becomes increasingly jealous of Shailaja’s presence at home and a conspiracy results in Shailaja and family moving out of the house to their village.
Nayantara continues to harbor bitter feelings toward Shailaja. She plans a plot by which Shailaja’s family lives in absolute penury. Nayantara convinces Harish, Siddheshwari and Girish to put a law case on Shailaja’s family to vacate the village land on which they are living as it is not theirs. Ramesh fights the case by spending the little money he has on it. A date of the final hearing is scheduled.
One day there is a function at the same village and Girish is invited for it. Girish is generally absent minded about these homely matters and it doesn’t occur to him that its on the same day of the hearing. Siddheshwari comes to know of it through Girish but, she does not know anything about the hearing on village property. The judgement day arrives and Girish wants to go to court but Siddheshwari forces him to village function saying that he has never been attending such functions.
Girish goes there and sees the plight of Shailaja’s family and scolds Ramesh absent-mindedly as Ramesh is preparing to leave for his hearing. Girish explodes, “Wretched fellow, good-for-nothing, you will sponge of me and then pursue a court case! I will not give you even a minute portion of my property – get out of my house; get out right now, don’t waste a minute – get out in the very clothes you are standing in!”
Ramesh loved his eldest brother and was aware of his nature. Hence, fully conscious of the hollow nature of the outburst and he left the place as he was. Girish hands over the property in Shailaja’s name. The case is lost and when siddheshwari comes to know about this through harish who attended the hearing. She was shocked and felt very proud of being blessed by a husband with such a big heart.
Spoilers end here.
I loved this novel am sure that u will like it too. It is translated by Malobika Chaudhari which is good. This novel was part of a collectors edition of Saratchandra Chattopadhyay named, ‘The Saratchandra Omnibus – volume 1’. Although ‘Srikanta’ the best novel in that edition and its transltion is mindblowing! Infact the translator, Aruna Chakravarti has received Sahitya Akademi Award for it. A must read and I hope to write its review soon!
I have tried finding the second edition but just could not find it anywhere - not also on the internet. It seems the publisher’s haven’t published it because of lack of readers of the first edition. I want more people wish to read Saratchandra Chattopadhyay’s translations and go and purchase the book so that penguin books releases its second volume! ( yeah yeah.. selfish me!). This is also one of the reason of me writing this review !!