I purchased nissan sunny from evm nissan calicut, last month. Till booking the customer service was excellent. After that till today it was a nightmare for me.
This is my 5th vehicle and here i experienced lot of new things. Though they charged 6500/- as vehicle registration charges, they forced me to take my vehicle for rto testing my own and they said there is shortage of manpower in their dealership.
During the booking, distance from my office to dealership was a case of worry for me. But the sales officer assured me that will not be an issue as they will do pick ups for fortunately i met with an accident last week, with in 2000kms and in that panic situation i called the dealer for assistance and they said there is no body to assist you but to bring the vehicle to dealership.
Surprises are not ending here. I have corporate insurance for my vehicle.they said you have to complete insurance procedures your own as they had not got any commission from this insurance. So i ran around and gone to insurance and arranged surveyor, taking two days leave from my busy schedule. Total bill came to 50000/- and in the time of taking delivery they said they accept only cash and vehicle will be delivered only after clearing the cheques.
I felt insulted and agitated. On discussing with customers in the show room i understood, entire customers were fed up with nissan. Though i reported to nissan, there is no response from their end.