My hands and feet have started feeling very dry off late and lotions were not really solving the problem. So, I went in search of some cream and ended up buying two pots of Nivea Soft and had to stop myself from buying more. Anyway, the pot is white in colour and sturdy and small. It can be easily carried and won’t even take much space. It comes in three sizes i.e., 50 ml, 100 ml and 200 ml. I bought two 100 ml ones and have been using it for around a month. I have used up more than half of the content.
I apply it eveyday before going to college. It prevents drying of skin and protect from sun light. Without this cream my skin would be so dry and I can draw a white line with my nail on my skin. So this is a very effective skin Moisturiser cream and it dont have any side effects.