Yeah yeah, the movie is everything it is made to be.what they are not telling you is listed below. Pls note that all the below points are based on ym own prejudice or inability to comprehend what was going on & you as an intelligent, independent viewer are free to amke your own judgement-after- you see the movie
1) I found it diffuicult to undertsand thetexan accent & misse dmany dialogues because of this(english subtitiles wud have helped)
2) the 3/4 movie was excellent, until it suddenly came to a HALT. Suddenly they show the protagonist is dead. The money bag vanishes & till the end it is not shown who took the bag. The psycopathic killer traces the protagonists wife & kills him too.
3) I cudnt understand what tommy lee jones is doing except making long conversations with characters which are in no way relavnt to the story, & if any explanation of the end or hint was given during those dialogues I completely missed it!
4) The ending was again vague- & didnt explain anything to me. The killer escapes after a surprise accident with another car. What was the relevance of showing it? wouldnt have it been better to show us the money bag isntead?
If somebody, understood this movie, more than I did.Please reply to this article explaining the end. I am agitated at my incapability of missing the ending when I spent 2 DAMN hrs watching this movie.&(^(^(^(