Ive finally seen No Entry, which as many will now know has gone onto become a blockbuster and one of the biggest hits of the decade. Im not sure I agree that it deserved this much success, in my estimation it was a timepass at best, but there is no denying that it is a very hilarious film, even if its essentially just a more sophisticated screwball comedy of David Dhawan Govindas ilk.
No Entry is a new generation of screwball comedy in Bollywood, it is a completely brainless and outrageous film, but the far better quality writing(compared to other Bollywood films) of the situations and the various twists and turns create some incredibly laugh-out-loud scenes, and my sore throat after watching the film is testament to how laugh-out-loud they are; they are off the scale on the laugh-o-meter. All of these situations could have fallen flat though, if it were not for the comic genius of the acting, with the greatest marks going to Lara Dutta as the obsessive compulsive jealous wife, she is literally the centerpiece of this entire comic enterprise and I never would have imagined that she could act so well.
Not far behind are Anil Kapoor and Fardeen Khan. Unlike other Bollywood comedians, such as Govinda or Johnny Lever, they do not resort to slapstick, instead humour naturally arises out of the outrageous situations they get themselves into. The wedding portion in particular had me in splits, especially when Fardeen Khan conceals his face with a bunch of bananas to hide from Lara.
Bipasha Basu and Celina Jaitley, though have minor roles, perform well. Salman Khans and Esha Deols roles are like extended special appearances.
Most of the jokes are based on classic comedy devices of mistaken identity and they work most of the time, but some are just too lowbrow and asinine that they make you cringe, rather than laugh. The joke about Fardeen Khan committing suicide started on a humorous note, but then began to exponentially lose IQ points and as soon as it concluded with the declaration of love and the subsequent song it hit a level of total absurdity.
The most ridiculous scene in the film is Bipasha, Anil and Fardeen bumping into each other in Mauritius in the same hotel. The odds of this happening are incalculable, but you have to suspend disbelief when watching films like no Entry, but its difficult to suspend disbelief when they start singing and dancing side by side, crossing each others path and not noticing each other. Nonetheless, seeing the hotels porters confusion at the unending comedy of errors is worth it.
The songs all seem forced and ruin the momentum of the film.
Although there are many moments in this film that are stupid the scene that made me cringe the most was the forced melodrama at the end, where all of a sudden Bipasha is shown to be some kind of sati-savatri who sells her body because her husband is in a coma and she is using her earnings to pay for his treatment. I really didnt need this cliche! You would think if Bipasha was all along just a woman sacrificing herself, then why were her ideals so seedy - A womans job is to work at night
While a very hilarious film, if you are going to suspend disbelief and your brain(enough to watch the film) it is at best just a timepass and nothing more or nothing less.