I am quite new to using No Marks Ayurvedic Cream. The product was recommended to me by a friend. when I asked her if she knew a good cream for scars and marks.
No Marks Cream is packaged in a tube and box, the packaging is quite attractive. The cream is made from natural products such as Aloe, Rose damascena flower and wheat germ oil to name but a few of the herbal ingredients.
The cream can be used for diminshing and reducing scars, marks caused by pimples and also dark circles under the eyes.It can also be used for preventing and diminshing stretch marks.
The cream has a pleasant herbal smell, and a smooth texture, which makes it easy to apply. The tube recommends application twice a day. I have using the product for about a month now, I think my small facial scars do seem smoother and under eye circles have definitely improved. I think using it for longer I would see more results. The cream is produced by an Ayurvedic company called Ozone Ayurvedics you can email them at oplho@ophlo.com to find stockists or other questions.