I purchased this mobile phone just 6 months back and it started developing some never heard of problem. I call the person wouldnt hear me but I could hear the other person talking, but my fate, after few days even this stopped and lost the very meaning of being mobile phone. I searched for the Mobile dealer and asked him for it to be given for servicing, free service, as it was well within guarantee period. To my luck, nothing much happened. Changed my mind and gave it for servicing to a private dealer paying Rs. 250. Nonethless, he too rocked me down by giving the same status. I complained to the service provider about it, they were surprised to hear this peculiar of instance of mine. Finally the day came when there were some important calls being missed and messages flew away...OH my goodness those were some of my worst days because of this third rated mobile phone.
The same fate repeated with my friend of the same model. This for sure cant be a coincidence when my colleague too was attacked by the same phone disease.
Please never buy this pathetic phone.