I like this mobile very much.. as I am using 1100 for last 4 years.. till now I did not got any problem with 1100... As everyone knows about the Nokia co. it has only plus point... many
times my mobile got sillped by my hand.. or while giving to some one... till now no problem.. my friends have many other mobile too but some of them got there screen gone as there mobile fall down... as I use to go for catering. service... some time I used to keep in upper pocket.. as I bend down..
My cell fell in a milk made dish... I could not take out the mobile has it was hot... after some time min. of 10 min.. I took... out it was still working... then I switchewd off and cleaned and dryed it off.. it was propraly working... till now I am using.. its a user friendly... anyone can use.. if anyone says it does not have radio or mp3 player.. then Mobile is for talking.. not for hearing songs..