1100 is the latest frm nokia whereas 2100 is the second latest.
About the basic features u can get it frm nokia site abt info on 1100 u can ckech my review!
I think 2100 is much better cuz they are joined only horizontally and not vertically as in the case of 1100 which makes the keys hard to press and too sticky to use.
And also 2100 has a picture editor and white backlight int he screen and keypad too.
it looks good too.
It (2100)has call accept and call reject keys which makes it easier o use whereas 1100 has nokia-navi key whose use is complicated and not well defined.
Get the basic info of both the mobiles from http://www.nokia.com
but 1100 is more good looking , more light and and more small in size
ANd Yeah it has a got a new light and thin type of battery.
U hav a flashlight too!
2100 doesnt have contacts in the menus
U can browse it by pressing the up key and no voice tags either!