I had purchased a Nokia 1200 model mobile(IMEI no: 3531070253610) on 10-05-2008 from: Mullick Infocomm,
Durgapur -713213
West Bengal.
Within two weeks of using the handset I started experiencing weird problems.
1) Phone switched off any time according to its whim and fancy.
2) It shows Insert Sim even if the Sim is there.
3) Suddenly shows Test Mode and screen becomes black.
I went to Nokia Care on 31st May address:
PD Electronics
Benachity, Nachon Road, Durgapur-713213
E-mail: pdelectro_durgapur@nokiacareindia.com
At the centre my handset was examined for about half an hour and I was told that my handset had suffered liquid damage and I would not get any service from them against any such damage although I cant remember if I had taken the handset near any liquid (For your kind information Sir I have been using a Nokia 3230 and a Nokia 2300 for last two and a half years and I know how to take adequate care of mobiles and save them from liquid damage).
I was a given a clean "Delivered” report in the Service Job Sheet from the Nokia Care centre who refused to provide any service.
Next week I again submitted the phone at Kolkata address:
Everest Mobicare
Everest Mobicare
1, Chandani Chownk Street, Hind Cinema Road, Kolkata - 700072
E-mail: everest_kolkatta@nokiacareindia.com
They promptly accepted my handset (I was astonished why they could not find any signs of liquid damage as found by pervious Nokia Care personals) and I was again provided with a Service Job Sheet.
I went there after the Target Delivery Date on 14th June 2008 and my mobile was returned back to me in “working condition”.
They took away the Service Job Sheet after taking my signature.
But lo.......................as I returned home I again found my phone Switched Off.......the same problem crapped up again.
Today is 16th June 2008.
In this short span of about a month my mobile has provided me with all sorts of services and amenities (good or bad it’s up to you to decide) except for the fact that I could not communicate using it which was the main purpose for buying it.
I have decided to bring the matter to the Nokia Personnel and decided to put up the matter in blogs and communities so that other customers can learn from my experience.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Anindya Sunder Sen
Mobile No: 09831424798