I Bought one 1208 on 04 jan 08 when my 6208 went kaput. The set developed s/w problem of auto restart when configuring right selection button on the same day. Informe The mobile store [Essar group] who was the vendor and they agreed to replace the set. Set was replaced on 11 Jan 08, but the new one also had the same problem. Informed both Nokia and The mobile store. Mobile store agreed to replace/repair. Nokia informed they can upgrade the software. Only hollow statements. Nothing materialized so far.
Cost of Mobile at time of purchase = 16029.00
Cost of three phone calls to Vendor and Nokia = 85.00
Cost of transportation to visit shop for replacement = 320.00
Expected expenditure for repair of handset= 450.00
Overall cost till now = 2484.00
All this because poor quality control by Nokia , India ltd. and poor product choose by The mobile store
Story will continue in due course.....
Vinod Sankar