I am nokia lover and loves their phone. I have already used nokia 6600, 3230, 6681, n70, n86, n73, 5800
Currently i am using n95 from around 2 year. This time i wanted to try entry segment phone of nokia. I went to shop and asked for nokia phone. But shop person was stressing on cheap mobile like karbon, lava, max
He said you will get same thing in around 1500/- which nokia is giving around 5000/- but i stick to nokia. And purchases nokia 1662 for 1700/- when i saw the mobile, i was impressed by its look, but as i started using it. On the same day i wanted to sell it. I contacted the shop person, he said u can sell it for 1000/- with no choice, i cont to use it. Now telling why i wanted to sell this on the first day
Keypad typing problem-- for chatters, this mobile stand no where. U have to put your full concentration to press digit, otherwise, any adjacent key can be preessed..forget typing sms....
You need not to activate keypad tune keypad is so hard that it produce sound of its own. Suppose you are at library or doc clinic or anywhere, where there is silence all around person at 15-20 feet distance, can clearly listen, that u r typing something on mobile.
Speaker phone- (confirmed this by checking same model of friend).- person around you can clearly listen what talks going on between you and ur partner, as voice from the headphone speaker is louder than the headset speaker. So if you want to talk clearly, place hands free speaker at your ear then talk, you need not to select hands free option.
Display- i have paid 450/- for its display on the 8th day from purchase. Its falls so lightly from my hand and display gone... On other hand, my n95 falls more than 25 times, some times so badly. But no effect at all.. Its costs me so much..
What more i can say about this product.Totally disappoint and cant cant recommend to any one...better go for Samsung, not Sony ericssion (their joy stick is main problem)otherwise disposable product like karbon, lava, max