B4 gettin 2100 mobile I was using 5210.As I had used a higher version I find very difficult in using this.But anyhow I managed.Bu there are some added features in this such as DISTRIBUTION LISTS & Word adding DICTIONARY from previous SMS. So I wished 2 get this one & Im using this.In this the great difficulty is that I find it as high weight & also of increased dimenion.Probably they might have CUT it short.
Then there are some features missing in this like in the REMAINDERS menu V cudnt find whether was it a CALL or MESSAGE or BDAY or MEETING.In this v have only messages 2 be stored as the remainders & also I can find a deficient signal detecting (i.e) it takes a lot of time 2 switch 2 other network while roaming & itz not so fast.
Also v dun have a BKUP timer so that v need 2 reset the time everytime when V replace the battery.So guys possesing 3310 can switch over to this I think so as since itz having so many added feature compared to 3310