Now-a-days you mostly see everyone with sleek camera cell phones, the latest gadgets with a lot of facilities. Well, I am still using my sweet little Nokia 2100. It is a sturdy piece, with the minimum basic functions and very easy to operate.
When I went to buy my first cell phone four years ago, the picture I had in mind was a colorful gadget, very flashy and modern. But my dad refused to get me a camera cell phone and I ended up with lil 2100. And I am really thankful for it.
Two years later, my sister got herself a flashy set; she dropped it accidentally two months later and all the money went down the drain. I guess my Nokia 2100 has survived about 200 falls [no exaggeration], heavy floods, rains and after using it for about 300 hours approx. , it stills behaves like a fresh new baby. Many mobiles, I have seen, lose their charging capacity after long-term use.
The 2100 can easily fit in your pocket, very easy to operate and needs to be charged maybe once in two days, depending on use. You get the usual stuff: tones, picture messages and games. The only shortcoming I found was the number of messages that can be stored [very less]. Otherwise, I found the cell-phone to be an ideal one for use.
You get different colours, I guess blue and black are by far, the most common. Theyve also come up with this colorful cell body which looks very cute. You can have different colored frames and keypads [can be changed with ease] for variety. They are available at nominal costs.
Long live 2100!