Its definitely human tendency to be in the company of change. It is this curiosity in him that drives him to pursue newer things while discarding older & obsolete ones. Well, well, well, I dont mean to say-anything & everything requires a change. Nokia 2100 is just an attempt in the same direction. I mean its just a modified version of the original Nokia handsets. And yes for people who are more favourably inclined towards change are just likely to find themselves in the trap of Nokia 2100.
Well, as a communicating instrument its just the right choice with just those add-on features that are required to lure an ordinary Indian mind. The flashy white backlight, hard to press buttons, a wide range of colourful- translucent cases and as so, so forth. The ultimate make-up, the functions, the services, etc, etc remain largely unaltered.
May I now call it just an appearance make-up attempted towards tapping the yet unexploited conspicuous market. I hold no grudges against any cellphone operator, but the matter of fact is that people have lost the sense to clearly differentiate between the bad, and the good.
The managers in making are taught just the way how to win consumer confidence. As for 2100s performance its just the usual & , of course, the brand Nokia itself commands a great respect. Thanx! for that patient reading. I suggest u buy your will.