Got a regular email alert from mouthshut (which I usually delete ;-) ) but this time it took my u know why?...coz this time all the mouthshut users were asked to write reviews on handsets they have used so far....this brought many sour memories back to my mind...and I decided I will share those unforgettable memories, that cost me Rs.5000 those days , with u guys....let me begin now...
This is not about a particular handset ...its abt the brand nokia...but as I used this mobile phone .... I preferred writing a review on this brand relating some experiences with nokia 2100.....I still have this handset ....though its nothing less than a show piece now...purchased this in yr2003...i was really very happy during the first couple of months of usage...but as everyone knows u come to know the loopholes of something only after knowing it over a period of time...same applies here.
over a period of time...the battery became so weak that my cell used to switch off even if received an sms.....even after charging it for 1-2 hrs everyday...the battery became so weak that I cudnt even give missed calls to people...the moment I pressed any key...the cell used to switch off....Whats the use of a mobile which cannot be used for the purpose it has been produced for???? my cell was nothing less than a dummy mobile phone lol..
But I still didnot lose hopes..i decided that I will get it last year 2006 when I called up the nokia dealer...he told me that it will cost me approx Rs.1000 for a new battery....( dont u think if I invest a thousand bucks more I can get a brand new mobile? ) ....but yes he did advise me to retain this cell phone as according to him this was one of the best pieces nokia has produced & was no longer available in market....i asked him back if he would be interested in buying this antique piece as he sounded very appreciative for this product....started laughing lol....
But all my hopes almost disappeared when I read this on a consumer court website i.e ....its has a list of companies names against which many consumers have filed complains of cheating ...fraud...and to my shock it also has nokias name under the list...stating that this company is selling all the defective handsets in India......this had answered almost all my question of why the battery of my cellphone went down so weak after only 6months usage......
I have decided that I will never buy a nokia product in my lifetime coz we have already purchased 3 nokia handsets after that ...and all of them gave us battery problems .......
This is just for your information guys.....I am sure there are many other customers who must have faced similar problems.....would appreciate your feedbacks....
Thanks for reading.......