I must admit that I resisted writing any review here, but I now feel almost obliged to review this SICK product that they have come out with. I am not going to waste a word describing its features, for you are better off not buying it.
I have faced loads of problems with the mobile phone, to list down a few - the cursor pads dont work fine, the animated wall paper hangs as soon as the key pad locks (try it for yourself), the volume of the FM radio blows up when a SMS comes in between, the phone resets automatically at its own will, and the latest and the most dreadful of all problems the software just hangs giving absolutely no display on the LCD panel.
You might not believe me, or might think I am one of those unlucky guys who got stuck with a defective piece. Care to enter any Nokia service center and if you do not see piles of 2300 lying there, I would be more than willing to withdraw whatever I write here.
Now these are the problems that I have faced with my mobile phone alone. If I were to list down the problem that a few other of my friends who own the same mobile phone have faced probably this space would not be enough. Anyways to name a few, in loads of phones the loudspeaker function has conked out, in some the phone never rings so they are now forced to set the phone in vibrating mode always. Two of my colleagues bought the mobile phone with me and they are running to the service center day in and day out. I have heard people returning there mobile phone the very same day to the service center.
What more, the service center does have the decency to give you a standby handset during the period they confiscate your mobile phone for what they call servicing. If they at some point of time decide that your phone is really crap (which I have no doubt about) they would take two weeks to give u a replacement of the same crap model (u cant opt for a different model it seems), and not even give u a standby handset. Isnt there anything called fair play ?
All in all, I believe the only nice model these guys have come out with is the glorious 5110. NGage the other mobile phone that I was considering which a few of my other friends bought is also a pile of bull crap.
If you still go ahead and buy the Nokia 2300 ... All the best (you will require it)