Its a model from tge famous brand nokia. It is very embarrassing situation for us that such a good brand like nokia which was one of the leading cellphone company till the past years but it had launched a worst piece of it which is nokia 3 .The phone doesnt provide proper features to the consumer.At such a rate , in which this cellphone is being sold in the market's we would get a phone with better features. I bought a nokia 3 just 2 months ago .And now my phone is giving a very slow processing.Now I regret if I would have bought a redmi 3 phone which could save my money too. Redmi 3 or 4 at same rates gives a far better features and performs far ell than the nokia 3 .i would like to inform you all guys that dont waste your money on this type of useless product you will get better phone at the same rate fron other brands such as Redmi 3 , redmi 4 , redmi 4ARealme. Samsung J4 Samsung J2 samsung on 5, etc.