After the software of my previous CDMA Nokia phone got corrupted Thought it would be wise to switch to the GSM mode with some otherNokia model. With high hopes and expectations I bought a Nokia 3110classic not considering what had happened to my previous Nokia and having full confidence in the product and the service of the company.
Barely after 4 months of use the phone started getting switched off byitself. Thinking of this to be some minor problem I approached the Nokia service centre. The people at the service center were busy having-an argument with some dissatisfied customer. From the corner of my eyei saw the customer and wondered what on earth could be wrong withNokia. Little did I know of the events that were about to unfold in thenext 20 minutes.
After waiting for about 10 minutes the Nokia Care people took my phoneand kept in under observation after understanding the problem. After awhile I was issued a receipt (Job Sheet # 336343506/081201/11) sayingthat I can collect my phone in 3 days.
So far so good !!Half an hour later I received a call from the Nokia Care people mentioning that the phone has been damaged from inside as somebody else had tampered the phone earlier. Despite my desperate tries to explain-Nokia Care that they only had opened and checked the phone nobody listened. I even tried calling their helpline to escalate the issue butgot a cold shoulder again.