Nokia any Model is good. It is really worth the Money. Very User Friendly, Attractive, Sturdy and seldom gives Trouble.
When I first started using Mobile it was NOKIA. I have used other Mobiles also but Nokia operations are very simple and even a Child can Handle it. I would always go for Nokia because it never let you down.
The Only thing I would suggest to the Manufacturer is to consider the Price Side so that more people would go for it.
The Oldest Model that is 1100 was excellent. Can you kindly bring another one of the same type PLEASE?
Though not attractive enough it is very very rugged especially for Marketing Professionals like me who are always on Tour.
I would suggest NOKIA to start manufacturing their Products in INDIA so that they can understand the Indian Rugged Condition and can manufacture the Mobile Phone Custom Made along Service Centres at Import Places and Cities to make it more REACHABLE.