As I told you my Husband and I did not want cell phones. Our Children bought me the Samsung SGH-R 200 and my Husband recieved the Nolta 3210.
Nokia 3210 slim cell phone with the aerial built inside. It is durable as he has dropped it a few times and it didnt break.
From personal experience we charge our battery every night. If you dont this phone has a battery with 260 hours of standby and almost 4 1/2 hours of talk time.
You can choose from 40 pre-set ringer options on how you want your phone to ring. He selected the Lord of the Rings theme song. This feature is not available in all Countries yet.
You can program the Phone Book up to 250 entries but he only phones about 100 people. This makes it easier to dial by punching in the digit of the person you want to call. He cant remember where he left his car keys so he knew he would never remember 100 codes. I made him an alphabetical cheat sheet so he can quickly look up the code of the person hes phoning.
There is a one touch tone voice mail and a caller ID. He uses the call forwarding a lot. We have this trick we use when we go out to dinner or to the movies and we dont want to be interrupted by a telephone. We set the call forward to our home number. Our answering machine answers after 3 rings and we get out message when we get home, (with very little talk time used up.
The Keyguard is helpful when you accidentally hitting a button with your ear and get disconnected.
The Power Save goes into a powersaver mode that automatically when phone is out of range. This is great for us because we have so many hills and mountains in Victoria.
We will never use the Games, (‘myGlobes ‘, ‘Lord of the Rings‘, the ‘Battle of Middle-Earth Game’ and ‘Quiz ‘ and ‘the Journeys of the Fellowship Game‘), feature or the automatic display that will show you graphics the display layouts.
They bought him the interchangeable front and back covers that cost a bit extra.
My Cousin learned a lesson that he told us. He was driving from Palm Springs to LAX, (the Airport in L.A.)
and phone the Airline to see if the plane was going to be on time. There were a lot of telephone poles on
the highway and someone was able to ‘steal’ his ‘pin number‘. He was shocked when he received a bill,
(from the cell phone company), for over $10, 000.00 USD. He never thought to tell the Company that
they should put a limit on his cell phone use or even imagine a ‘pin number’ could be stolen out of the
Nokita Head Office is in Finland. It is the Worlds largest Company that makes mobile phones.
Nokia makes a lot of items and their home page is:
My husband has enjoyed his phone. He knows it is dangerous to talk on the phone and drive, (not only about
the ‘pin ‘ number incident), but because it causes too many accidents.
Regular price in the UK £80:00 $50.00USD and in Canada on sale it was $100.00.