In one word- Disappointing!
I was quite convinced that Ive got a good package in the phone when I bought it. but as I started using and discovering it, everytime I felt. couldve been better.
This model is not marketed as a camera-phone, or a fm-phone, or a music player phone or a business phone. In the process it ends up being a jack of all trades, . you know the saying!
The most important thing I was told was that theyve improved on the software, and it doesnt hang. Well I can tell you it still DOES hang! Fortunately I havent experienced it in the middle of a call, nor in the middle of something thatll make me throw it against the wall, but it does happen.
The second thing that bugs me is that its excruciatingly slow. And its getting worse. I still have the company supplied 32Mb MMC, and because of this Ive put my plans of up-sizing on hold. It takes forever to open any application, and forever plus 3 minutes to close it. Maybe Im being too critical of this phone, because THIS particular problem is there in all current generation Nokia phones. Ive seen this lag in the 6600 as well as the N72. So maybe were being too harsh on this fellow. [Maybe we need to be harsh on Nokia]
Then there are numerous small bugging features that irritate me- For one, the voice dialling doesnt work. Is it the sensitivity of the function or the lack of sensitivity of the mic? Then the sound quality is bad and the volume, especially of the speaker is very bad. In everyday situations, even with the speaker on, I have to hold it close to my ear to hear. It doesnt have an auto keypad lock, a reasonable expectation from a phone that costs close to 10k. And one thing I do miss from my old phone is theUse Number feature in the msging, which picks out the numbers from a message for you to store or dial.
To sum up the grudges,
It doesnt have a great camera, because its not primarily a camera phone.
It plays average quality music, because its not primarily a music phone.
It has decent organizer features, but its not primarily a business phone.
And finally to end on a positive note,
here are some things I do like about the phone.
I like the keypad- its easy to use, and not too small. It also has the numeric keys on a different plane than the function keys, so you can key in even without looking.
I like the screen- size is good, but resolution couldve been better.
And I really like the calculator- it keeps a record of the whole transaction no matter how long the list so you can go back and check.
Maybe if Id done my research a bit more, I wouldve chosen differently, but Im a Nokia loyalist [now Im wondering if its really worth it?!] so in my budget, my conclusions said this was the best phone there was [or was it? Im just not in the mood to find out.]