Hello friends.
I would like to share with you my experince to solve the dust problem in 3230.I have bought the very brilliant 3230 as I was interested in Mp3 and Radio. Finally I got ot after mine Nokia 6600, as I was interested in Buying Mobile with Radio, the set after so much saving of money. But within 1 month the set got the dust accumulated on its screen. But I didnt worry much coz thats the usual prob with all Nokia sets.i thought that I would easily get rid of it by opening the panel.
This phone is amongs the slowest s60 phones that I know, YET it also is one of the best looking ones! The camera is really good, it is a breeze to use the file transfer via cable (bluetooth on the PC sometimes refuses to detect the phone) and most of the 3rd party software is compatible (as opposed to the N70 which is a million percent faster, but runs almost none of the usual softwares).
After using GPRS, the phone slows down to a crawl but a reboot will fix this. I use a almost completely full 1 Gigabyte MMC so that might be the reason (i have 300 songs and several full-length movies on it).
Mine has the old firmware still (3.0505.2) so I too suffer from the rather bad and weak mp3 sound, but a firmware upgrade will most likely solve it - if Nokia ever gets this upgrade all the way to Thailand, which can take AGES.
I can recommend the 3230 for normal users who seek a phone with excellent reception, good voice quality (which it has! very loud and clear) and beautiful looks. I will NOT recommend it for power users or gamers - it really lacks performance.