Nokia has produced many handset and the most selling record setting handset is Nokia 3310. But these handset production has been stopped.....and a replica of this Nokia 3315 is been introduced into the market which is also a trend setter..... I brought this handset in 2000 it was amasing....the ring tones were very loud.... it would attract any was the first handset in which you can forward tunes to others.....a master piece......i got it for 5k in 2000 then with cellular user increasing and the latest survey in INDIA every month 13lakhs new users are evolving......mind blowing..............the first handsets were very light....and the later its battery life was increased so the battery got heavy.....main problem was it weights more........... Nokia handsets are well known for its.......battery life........good voice clarity....and wht model 3315 is also a very good the market...its very good for the beginners....i recommend this handset for people who have never used Nokia Handset.