I have just purchased a Nokia 3310 I purchased my new phone from Jag on contracted payment. Out side of Jag they had a deal on the notice board which was 50 free text messages a month 60 minutes worth of call off peak per month all for just £2.00 per month with a free 3310. I thought that I have better check out this deal as I have always liked the Nokia 3310 since it first came out and I really could not belive the deal as it sounded to goo to be true.
Any way in I went an what happens is I pay £13.99 per month and then Jag send me a cheque of £11.99 back each month so it work out that I am only paying £2.00 per month.
The phone is the best phone that I have ever had you would not belive the difference between the Nokia 3310 and the Nokia 3210 which one of my friends have. There is so much more things to do on it like chat, reminders, snakes 2 and two other great games that are not on the 3210 it is also much smaller an has a better shape than the 3210.
so if anyone is thinking of buy a new phone then I strongly reccommed you going into Jag and seeing if the deal is still on and you also get a free phone from Bt Cellnet pay as you go.
You are put on a Vodaphone tarrif with a BT sims card just in case you what to make a very long call on peak and it is easier cheaper to use the BT sims card. Also you get a free accessory pack containing lots of different things that you need when you have a mobile phone like a hands free kit etc.
The apperence is great and it is very easy to use any one could understand how to use it.