Il just go on with the review without any initial formal introductions. Well this being my first review on Mouthshut so il be as much descriptive as possible.
Enough Babbling! Now read the Review.
*My Search
*Me being a gizmo freak, frequently changing cell phones, in search of the "Mr.Right"(Im not gay!).
Prior to Nokia 3500, I bought a used phone from one of my frd, just for the sake of "Camera!".
Yeah, you guessed it right! My interestes in a phone are strictly limited to taking exellent quality pictures. I lost that phone though(Nokia 3630), but was still searching for a phone.
One of my frd told me theres, a new phone on the Block. Its got 2 Megapixel Cam, Mp3, Bluetooth 2.0, JAVA Platform 2.0. etc etc etc.
And guess what I went to market and bought it!
*Pehli Nazar( First Impression)
*As I unboxed my New Nokia 3500c, its a nice sleek phone, Bar style(i like bar phones), Exellent screen clarity, good sound, fast software, and what is this?
No Flash? yeah! this phone has a 2 Megapixel Cam, But I guess Nokia forgot to Instill a Flash in it. What a Blunder!(Blunder for a Cam freak like me)
*1. Exellent Sound Clarity, I like the Bass, the sound doesnt crack on full Volume.
You can set Mp3 ringtones, as well as Video Ringtones for every phone contact.
Supports all JAVA applications, I play games all day, exellent graphics.
Being JAVA, the phone is Lightning fast as compared to its Symbian Brother. I hate to wait!
There is a metal RIM, in fornt, to protect the screen from scratches, exellent feature, I recommend this in all handsets.
Exellent Battery life, I watch Full length Movies on my small screen.(those movies which I cant see in front of everybody! ;-)
There is only One negetive to this phone. CAM CAM n CAM!
*The camera is in no way 2 megapixel! Nokia is giving competition to its own products. N72 has a 1.3 megapixel camera, it looks muuuuch greater that my phone.
Day light pictiures are good, but not satisfactory( plz dont ask about night pics!)
Videos too, Nah! A big thumbs Down.
*Advice, from the Wise!
I bought my cell for Rs.6400/-(Nov07, Delhi), Now the Price has dropped to Rs.5600/-, n Nokia is now giving a 512 MB card free. I just hope, they install a flash in it instead of the Memory Card.
All-in All, its the 2007-08s best buy, good value for money. But.
IL strongly recommend this phone to someone who is looking for an All Rounder Phone, in a lil stress on his pocket. Cam lovers, Photo takers, this area is a NO ENTRY for u!*