This phone (Nokia 3530 ) does all the jobs assigned to it.
All special Nokia ease of use are associated with ot.
It is having GPRS facility for surfing and checking mail.
The colour display is quite good. If you want to put in your own photo as wallpaper you may use a data cable or download through any website where your photos are stored(e.g. yahoo photo etc).
You can use phone, mobile, house phone, email/postal addresses - all details in the phone memory. Like all other nokia phone you may download free ringtones, colour logos for your phone from nokia website.
Most of the tones for nokia phones are downloadable and output is strong, even on a busy road.
It is fitted with rubberized grips so that even with a moist hand it does not slip off.
The structure is strong, it fell off from my hand from the first floor , still working!(Dont try it).
The sim card is fitted in a slot directly, no hinged slot, making it more durable.