Im using Nokia 3530 for the last 8 months & Im extremely satisfied by the features it has & its performance.
Features: which are not available in Basic handsets
Colour monitor at a decent resolution.
Polyphonic ring tones
Java Games.
1 MB memory for Pictures & tones
- Very cost effective. Has a big list of feature for a small prize. I think now it costs just 7.3K.
2.Very big phone book memory...I already have around 250 entries in my phone book & still it shows it as just 30%. Assuming it can store 850 entries, adding 150 numbers storable in the Sim card, you can store upto 1000 entries.
3.You can add or remove games.
4.Huge memory for storing Picture & tones. I personally have 50 jpg picture and around 200 ring tones(half of which are polyphonic) in my phone.
- Good signal reception. My handset detects network even in places many other handsets doesnt setect the network.
6.Very easy to use. Infact I doubt if the user interface can be made any better. It has the best.
Can not send ring tones:
Single screen saver (it is actually a digital watch & it cannot be modifies)
Slightly big.