Hi Friends! Here I am again.. After playing for my 6610 for more than one year I decided to move on. I still love my 6610 but as technology is progressing day by day there is a need arose for me to move to a new mobile. A new mobile, but which one?? It?s a hard task to decide on, as there are a lot of phones available in the market, different brands, different looks, and difference in function. Every one is attracting your mind. I heard a lot about Nokia 3650. But it just didn?t attract me because of its 4096-colour screen and some bugs in its firmware, so I waited.
My wait was fruitful, and Nokia unveiled two new phones, first 6600 and than 3660 (the advance version of 3650). 6600 has almost all the things which one mobile should have in today?s age. But 3660 is not scoring far behind; it?s for me almost edge to edge of 6600. And finally I decided that my new mobile should be 3660. It scores over 6600 just because of its price. It far cheaper than 6600 almost the same of 6610 when I bought that 1 year ago.
It?s a total different journey at all from Symbian 4.0 series (like 6610, 7210) mobile to a Symbian 6.0 series mobile. About the phone?s features I ll give you a brief detail only. First Nokia increased the colour capacity of the display to 65K from only 4k as in 3650, and redesigned its keypad to a conventional one for more easy use. It used an advanced version of Symbian 6.0, which fixed a lot of bugs, which were present in 3650. It has an inbuilt memory of 3.4 MB & a MMC card slot, a 16MB MMC comes with the package.
It has a VGA camera, which you can use for still photography as well as for video recording and this you can directly watch on your TV screen by using NOKIA image viewer. The inbuilt software only provides a 10 second of video recording but you can use a third party application for a longer recording almost unlimited you can say. And it almost ended my need of having a digi cam. It is MMS Compatible. And you can share your pictures with anyone through MMS.
You can enhance your MMS through NOKIA?s digital pen. I just don?t wanna go in details as it will take a lot of space here. The contact section is very vast and you can filled up almost all the details fir a contact like home, office telephone nos., mobile nos., email, company name, job title etc. This can be synchronized with a PC. Like wise to do list & calendar section. The mobile has three options of connectivity, Bletooth, Infra red & cable. And when there is blue tooth rest other is of no use in my opinion.
The best thing I liked that when you need to install any applications or copy anything to your mobile you can just explore your mobile from PC via blue tooth or infra red and just copy the things to your mobile. It kills the need for a PC suite. It is a tri band GSM fone with a fax modem & GPRS data support. You can play music, videos & MP3s etc on 3660.
You can enhance your phones with a lot of application eg. I am using an application which converts your mobile to a remote control and it works on all TVs, VCRs, VCDs, DVDs, Music Systems & tuners of almost all the brands of the world. After using this fone for almost 1 month from now and I can say I became expert in playing with it. Friends it?s a mobile, which not 100% but almost 40% reduce a need for a palm pilot. I am very happy in my journey from 6610 to 3660.
And I think it will take a long time for me to move on from here. I ll eagerly wait for your comments on this review and suggestion for enhancing my 3660. Certainly NOKIA have a human relation connection.