The Nokia 5130 XpressMusic is a very affordable an useful phone. It is an XpressMusic Phone so this phone concentrates on the Music Player. Well this phone has a lot of useful features too. Not only a music player but a 2MP Built in camera with camera settings and effect, SMS, MMS, Email, IM, apps, games, organizer, internet connection via GPRS or WAP and call with voice clarity also supports video calling and more useful settings you may wanna use. If your a businessman or abusinesswoman dont buy this phone because this is not a businessphone! this phone is especially made for teens:) but one main disadvantage about this phone. NO WIFI!:( if only nokia would make a new nokia 5130i! nah! but I dont really think nokia would make a nokia 5130i LOLZ XD so thats it. but my suggestion buy this phone and you will be truly glad:) but this phone may be a bit boring but when you want internet, SMS, MMS, call, IM, music on this phone so go for it! only costs$80 plus and 4000 - 5000 ON PHILIPPINE PESO so what r u waiting for go for this phone!
the phone same features with 5130 XM is:
Nokia 6300