I bougth this phone in April 2009 from Planet M, Mangalore (Bharat Mall) as it seemed to be the best buy then with so many features but soon after I started having problems but nothing so major. I realized that the battery was not so good, it discharged very fast, then in between some keys would stop functioning for some days or weeks and then suddenly start working again. So I got used to its ups and downs and was more or less ok when suddenly in May 2010, just some 19 days after the warranty period had expired, the phone showed "Contact Service" and stopped working all together without any reason like a fall or anything. I took the phone to Planet M who directed me to Nokia Center knowing full well that they had an extended warranty on that product. But since I had not carried the warranty card I didnt say anything and went to Nokia Center who said that it was a major problem and they could not repair in Mangaore and had to be sent to Bangalore.
So I went again with the phone to Planet M with the warranty card and this time they could nto ignore like they had done in the previous occasion. They took the phone and gestured to each other and smiled, thats when I asked whether there were other phones of this model having similar problem and he nodded. So does this mean Nokia was giving cheap coz it was defective line? I was told that it will take 20 days and now it is 29 days and I havent got the phone yet. I have called twice after 20 days had lapsed but there is no positive response. This includes review not only for phone but the attitude of Planet M , Mangalore which is bad. The first time I went they were not only dismissive, but also did not even bother to ask me when I had purchased and if it was covered still, especially since they had got other phones with same model and problem. Good thing about the phone was its capacity for sms and phone numbers and sound quality.
But if the existence of the phone is at stake then what is the use. I wouldnt advise someone to go for it.