Well today I had to do the unthinkable. It took a lot out of me too! It was not easy for me to do this, but when I was told that I was obsolete or on the verge of being so, that I would soon not be able to get parts for repair, that my flip was no longer currant in daily usage, well I was just stunned! How could this have happened? I was being defeated by modern technology once again and was unaware of it. Boy do I live in the sticks or what!
Today I took my cell phone in finally for repair because I was not getting a good reception and had not always out here in the woods. And a Cingular One tower was put in right next store and the reception still stunk! So I had finally had enough. And besides I was close to the Cingular One Store and I actually remember to stop by.
As it would happen the antenna was broken. What do you mean by broken, well I mean broken, I could turn the antenna around and around, and was informed that this was not the correct way. Well since I had this particular cell phone the antenna had always turned and the rep that sold it to me told me that this was correct. I never thought anything about it. The tech did a check on the phone to be sure and nothing else was wrong with the phone. Then they wanted to charge me 14.95 for a new antenna. I don’t think so! I politely told them I was not paying for something that was sold to me incorrectly in the first place. So a store manage was called and he informed me that I could upgrade at no charge, but would need to sign another contract for one year with Cingular One. I told them if I could keep the same plan that I currently have then I would look into it. I was told that I could. So I checked out the possibilities. And I love Cingular One anyway so a year contract was no big deal for me.
I am happy to say that not only did I get a new cell phone but also it is just like the old one except without the flip cover. Obsolete! Not me! Not anymore! I did lose the calendar and calculator features but I didn’t use those anyway, and I picked up some more features. My new Nokia 5165™ is great!
The new design is slick and slim. I now hit one button to do it all instead of three. To call I hit middle button, to program something I hit the middle button which will bring up the menu where I can add numbers to the call list, change system settings, etc. And to clear something I hit the C button. To go up or down no matter which menu part I am in I hit the up and down button. The color is blue with silver buttons and silver framework and looks really nice. I can still play the same games like snake and dice and still use the same sound for the ringing of the phone which is still “Joyful, Joyful”. And once again Nokia™ is a name that I can trust. And so is this Nokia™ 5165.
The old battery will fit the new phone, the old charge cord will fit the new phone, the old cigarette lighter charge cord will fit the new phone, so now I can have one of each in the house and in the car. This is really neat for me because when I forget to bring the one from the house all will be okay because I have the set in the car. (Course I have to remember I have the set in the car.)
The battery is a “zinc/nickel” battery, which means, that you could charge the battery up at any time. (I have found this to be true with the old phone, and certainly will be with the new phone since the batteries are the same.) The battery last time is about 1 ½ to 2 hours. I should tell you that when you get a new cell phone of any kind the battery will most likely have to be charged overnight before usage, this is a good habit to get into. But now that I have two batteries life will be a little easier for my cell phones and me.
I can still program in up to 99 numbers. And still choose most any type of music for the incoming call ring. I still check the call log at any time and set up the settings the way I want to. I am so tickled over my new phone. It’s new but old at the same time.
I still check for the last number called or dialed! This is still cool because I can check up on the kids. And I can go back if I forget a number that just came over that I might need to call.
The new phone is doing much better out here in the woods. I could even call from my yard with very little static. And on the way home those areas that were reading no service are now reading “make the call already” well not in those words, but the signal is showing clear. When I hold the phone I can truly hear the caller better. Instead of the sound coming from the top of the phone it is now centered where it accommodates the ear better.
I can still use the universal headphone piece that I have which I really enjoy. This is safer when driving. I try to always stop to make calls but I am not always able to do so.
I can buy an optional color face but I don’t think that I will be doing so. I would love to have the yellow one but not for 30.00 dollars! The blue looks really good anyways.
So over all the new Nokia™ 5165 is a wonderful little phone. Fits into any pocket, purse, back pocket of pants, just about anywhere. It’s slim, trim, great looking and works well for me.
But shop around before you buy any cell phone. You have to choose the one that is right for you and you also have to choose a plan that is right for you.
This phone cost me nothing, but for some it can run around 150.00 or more, depending on the area in which you live. So shop around.
I love Nokia and have for many years. Some things in life I will not change and Nokia brand cell phones is one of those things.
I am no longer obsolete and proud of it!
God Bless!
©2002 LKD