I bought this mobile three months back, many times it used to hang off. again it takes 10 to 15 minutes to become usual. Even though its user friendly, there is no screened lists. The sound is very low. Due to this shape, I did not get any protective cover. So my set got many scratches.
Songs can be heard only through sony set not through nokia. This set had disappointed me.
Please my friends, go for Sony. It gives clear sound, and picture clarity. In this set also picture clarity is there. But we cannot take pictures during night and when it is dark.
The battery also very poor. Only it can be for 3 hours, if we use continuously.As the speaker is down, we cant hear the sound properly.
Good bye for Nokia.
-User friendly, Clarity, Easy to use, Weight less, slim, attractive, Good memory.
-Often hangs off, Low volume, no screened messages,