Ok guys !!
How would you feel when the very new mobile for which you paid through your nose starts giving up months before its one year warranty is going to expire?
How would you feel when you go to get it rectified at the authorised service center in your own city of Mumbai and they say that this will take time and it has to be sent to Delhi for repair and it will take easily 15 days (which is not the case as it takes easily a month - I say this with my previous experiences of my other nokia phone- still gave the name another chance , god knows why!).
like every phone now a days , this phone supports I gb extendable memory, 1000 messages and very sleek (the only good features I guess), bluetooth, and upto 2 mega pixel camera.
the speciality of the phone they say is the quality of music, which to a certain extent I think is ok, not great though and I can hear it properly only when I plugged into my ear phones. negative one - not loud and also the ear phone plug is too short , it pains my neck if I do not wear a shirt with a pocket on it.
does not save cancelled message in its temporary memory so you have to re type again.- negative 2- not the regular nokia message feature
the camera - being low configuration you cant expect much but still not that bad either.
the display has started giving up already despite my well handling. some times it goes off completely.
also it keeps hanging every now and then despite the fact that my 1gb card memory is still not full. the hanging of the phone has become very frequent and sometimes I cant even cut my call as it just hangs. I am so frustrated and so NOKIA I want my money back now, as the problem persists with my wifes phone as well which we both bought together. she however does not even use a memory card as well.
Hope you will all consider this before buying.