It been a month I am using this mobile and thought its a right time to write a review .
==* Easy to use
A-GPS keeps you guided where ever you go
3G - I havent used it but its an addon feature which we can use it soon
Doesnt Hang
Different Points for charger and 3.5mm Audio connect (We can hear music using cars speaker through aux cable )
Easy synchronise option (updates my phonebook and calendar on daily basis and also backups it)
You get variety of softwares to install
Touch screen qwerty keyboard is very convienient while typing
Comes with a Car holder
Camera quality is good but isnt best
Front sensors which turns off screen light to increase battery life when you are holding phone towards your ears
Can be managed using Ovi suite ( A better package than the default nokia pc suite)
Handy while keeping track of emails and replying .
Main screen can be customised to add shortcuts of applications and bookmarks
GPS Works on Ovi Maps which are not as updated as Google maps (Sony and samsung have worst software than ovi maps so still this is better)
Takes a while to satellite ( To connect satellite it needs open and clear sky ) , so if you are driving nearby GPS is of no use.
3G - Absence of front camera
Found troubleshooting while connecting Windows Vista (Had to use compatibility option with windows XP setting )
If you are using GPRS enabled navigation than cost of GPRS is very high. There is option to disable GPRS on navigation or else go for schemes that offers unlimited gprs (aircel and airtel)
Cannot be termed as rough and tough as it is having touch screen and other accessories like leather cover and scratch guard needs to be purchased (which cost you another 500 Bucks )
Music quality is not upto the mark maybe my expectations are high since I was using samsung and sony handsets before
Mobile theft tracker is missing (unlike samsung phones)
No Wi-fi ( I didnt had wi-fi as my criteria as Wi-fi can be connected only from my house and I would prefer using PC over mobile and also I am rarely at house so skipping this option wasnt bad deal )
Looks arent that flashy , we only have two option of colours white and black.
Nokia doesnt provide PC suite CD ( we need to download it from net )
Comes with free 2GB Memory card which I didnt find sufficient enough .
Overall I would suggest to buy this phone if you want a phone with GPS and 3G features. Nokia 5235 comes with same features but its more sleek and will cost around 1500 bucks more .Battery life is average depends on applications you are using, Normally 24-36 hrs can be managed with single charging .After you buy dont forget to update your phone ( be prepared to download around 100 mb ) To conclude I would say its simply value for money