I have bought this phone(Nokia 5230) in the month of Nov 2010.As I had good hands on expereince using the phone, so thought of sharing my experience.Please note that my comparison and eventually decision to buy this phone was based on all other available phones at that point of time.Some part of this review may sound a bit outdated given the prices and models available for us now.
1) Smart phone 2) Affordable( Everyones first car!
Passing Note: I had my hands on Samsung Galaxy Fit(S5670) of my cousin, last week.It looked awesome! Its avlbl at 10K odd, the looks, the Big screen, the connectivity options(3G+ Wifi), internal RAM(259MB), Camera 5 MP(but didnt find pics gr8), compactness.I feel this can turnout to be a big Hit in our market! Try it!