There is a software problem in 5310. You never know when you got the sms. It will always show fake time of receiving sms.
The only drawback is its the handset fails. Anytime your profile will be changed...dont know if any ghost is driving the s/w. When copied contacts from sim to phone , contacts are not available
All the contacts from phone to sim will not be copied. By looks its trendy. Sound quality is also good. It has 2mega pixel camera. the foto quality is average. Memory card of 1mb is available. Its price when I bought was 9500/-
I thing its not the worth spending arround 10K for such a trouble some handset. You can get very nice handsets in 10K other than buying Nokia 5310. Its unbelievable that nokia can also be so irresponsible before launching the defective handset in the market. Also the delears dont tell you about its where on the box is written abt the defect.