To handle a touch screen phone n its applications you need a soft hand n slow mind, just forget d way mobile used by you with key pad. To scroll d screen use soft side edge of finger or thumb. Do not install 3rd party uncertified software. Maps are available free for version higher than 30. Screen flickering is due to improper use n wITH other software. Bluetooth settings saved into logs if fails to connect than restore factory settings. Camera Im using even without flash gives very nice images. Camera need to b set for this. Of course with flash it sometime shows whitish image. F/ is to download antivirus.
Always make play list for better song selection n song search. Keep saving d camera image into folders by creating new folder. Dont open sites that carries worms n trojans. Always try to download music from Nokia music center. Avoid direct format of memory card by PC. Always carry your phone in cover that protect d screen from pressure. Do not use sharp point to touch. Now version 40 available to update d phone with. Update directly from Nokia site if the product code of phone found on site. Or give it to your Nokia care for updation.
Never let d phone battery empty. Wlan connectivity is already for 3G network so it may create problem to connect automatically therefore try manual settings. Other brands may be provide extra features but long last impression is Nokia. Atleast in this range if compared with money.
Finally, its we at first, who fail to carry the tech and blame tech. Enjoy and ask if any query.