One of the worst phones probably released by nokia. Even chinese make could perform better. Nokia seems to be doing a con job. This phone is not on display for you to check the features before you buy! ie., compare with other brands.
Bought this phone and had to run to the nokia care within a week. Has the following probs.
Camera auto focus fails. ( gets locked up until batteries are removed and restarted)
Has a doubtful 3MP camera quality - Zeiss must be ashamed of their name on this.
Screen hangs up - blank display.
Battery dead in 6 hours on standby - not using the phone.
Screen color changes automatically and comes back
GPS did not work.
WiFi locks up to the access point and you cannot disconnect even when you select disconnect from the menu. You cannot connect to another access point if this happens!
So if you plan to buy this phone beware!!
Update on this phone:
The screen started to trouble. When coming back from standby, the display was garbage - random stripe like lines across screen, cannot make out whos calling or see anything. Finally took it to service center and told that display needs change, costs Rs1850. Now it seems ok. I have put this phone to rest. Will use as a backup. Got myself an Iphone 4.