The stylus on this phone falls out after being used a dozen times, because of wear to the internal clip. The stylus hole is on the bottom edge of the phone, so the stylus then falls out. Since the wear is to the phones innards rather than the stylus, buying a new stylus wont help.
The wrist strap is anchored to a concealed hook inside the phone. The hook is very weak, meaning that the slightest stress leaves you with a broken hook and intact wrist strap.
Every couple of months the email app simply forgets all the accounts. This isnt a simple case of reconfiguring the accounts - it then tries to download all old emails from the server, runs out of space and locks up.
Trying to delete emails it had already downloaded didnt work because it got "clever" and assured me that despite me wanting to delete them it would keep the headers because it knew best.
Incoming text messages are timestamped with the time of ARRIVAL, rather than the time they were sent. So when I switch my phone on and get a message I have no way of knowing how old it is. THIS IS PATHETIC!
The touch screen is sluggish and the interface laggy. The menu system is inconsistent... in some contexts you can drag the actual menu to scroll (eg in Contacts) but in some (eg Apps) this just launches the app you touched. The scroll bars are far too sensitive and all too often theres too much content, so that its actually impossible to see it all as moving the scroll bar a pixel whips the content up and down whole pages at a time.
Despite having installed several software updates since having the phone, they do not take effect. The date of last update is shown as two years ago!
The screen lock/unlock is a slider switch on the side of the phone... a switch even more vulnerable to accidental nudges than a numeric keypad, rendering it completely pointless!
The sensor which tells the phone which way up it is works only sometimes - I have to gently shake the handset so that it notices a change in orientation.
The email app behaves differently just about every day - sometimes automatically downloading everything, sometimes only headers, sometimes going completely manual, and sometimes (mentioned above) all but uninstallng itself.
The controls for menus, camera, etc are all awful. Its been designed with one aim in mind: To make you press lots of buttons. eg. In File Manager, you can view a list of photos. You can tap a photo to view it. (oops - its DOUBLE tap this time... thats another seemingly random arrangement - insome contexts you double tap, in others single.) So, youre viewing a photo in file manager... Can you delete it? NO! Can you move to next photo? NO! To do either of these you have to... TAP the photo to get a menu, BACK UP to the previous level, THEN go ahead and delete or move to next pic. Imagine going through a couple of dozen like that!
To delete all text messages in my inbox is easy. To delete them from Sent Items is completely different. Der!
Refreshing the media contents is hit and miss, and the loadsabuttons mentality returns when you need to access something as simple as equalizer controls.
I could go on and on... even a simple thing like making a telephone call is deliberately made difficult. And the apps?? Wow! Imagine this scenario EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU START FACEBOOK: Tap icon. Wait ten seconds. Get asked permission to continue. Tap. Wait ten seconds. Get asked again for permission to continue. Tap. Wait ten seconds.
Finally get into app. ooh - I have a message... tap to show it... NO! Doesnt work! In short, this is the WORST phone I have EVER had. I implore you not to buy one, even very cheap second hand. In my honest opinion Nokia and (in my case) Vodafone are breaking UK law by even selling it. Its not "fit for purpose."
(And if a seller would like to argue with this: How about the promise of Facebook widget on desktop that simply doesnt happen?!
Or the fact that the Ovi app store insists on knowing everything about you and your phone, then happily offers and sells you apps which are for another phone! THIEVERY!)