Although the nokia has a good brand name and have a good goodwill in the market. But the new android phone tohat is the nokia 6 is not as much vauleable because the major criteria are not been seen and are not as per today demand in the society like
- Non- removable battery
It is very difficult sometime for the users when there is a non removable battery phone is being used.
- No screen Flash or no flash on front camera
Today society are very keen about social media that is the selfie which is always been good with a flash and which always help people to get a perfect capture in low and dim light.
- Some issue had been reported over battery heating and it is recommended that there should not be overcharging of phone and deacreases the life capacity of the battery as well as phone.
Overall the phone is quiet good but these criteria are very sensitive and are the major area of the things buyers should know as this criteria can change there decisions.