This phone is published on date 3-13-2017. Its price is 14, 999. Inwhich we get 3Gb RAM, 32GB ROM, 13MP REAR and 8MP front camera.
My tution teacher have NOKIA 5.i like its style and features. I said my teacher that I will also bought NOKIA 5. But when I sow this new model, I thought , I took that phone which function is higher then my TUTION teacher phone.
Finally my papa take NOKIA 6 for me.
I also a biggest fan of NOKIA.
Its rear camera ( I challenge everyphone ) is too awesome. And front camera , I have no word awesome. When I play game in this phone I feel likethati play a game in real life. And its video quality is like that I looking a picture in SINAMA.
Its body style are greatest. Its batery backup are good ( 3000mAh) .
But I think its batery life is more.( above then 3600mAh) .