I purchased the phone for functional reasons.
I wanted a camera phone
I wanted a nokia
It fitted my budget (about Rs. 11, 000)
I thought a flip top would be a change, since all my previous phones have been the regular kind.
What do I like about it? Well, apart from the fact that it’s fairly small, not much. It is quite an ugly phone, really.
Its a flip top which is designed so when you close it, it scratches the dial. So in a week or two you have the outline of the dial pad etched on your screen. NOT pretty, trust me.
It doesnt have bluetooth. For 11, 000 bucks, youd expect, no DEMAND, that from a phone.
From the beginning it’s been hanging frequently. Sometimes it would shut off, abruptly, even after it had been charged.
Then the battery started to give way. In less than six months I had to change the battery. But in two days, my brand new battery was behaving as worn out as the first. That’s when I realized the problem was with my phone, not the battery.
I realized my phone lights remained on even when the flip top was closed, draining the battery.
Back to the nokia centre only to find out it needs internal repairs. Oh and it was also short-circuiting so that needed to be fixed as well. Instead of handing over the phone I asked them how much they’d pay me for it. Rs. 4000.
Goodbye 6101. Next time I plan to buy a NON nokia phone.