I purchased Nokia 6030 at Bangalore during mid December 2005 at a cost of Rs. 5200
with bill. I bought this mobile phone as I was in need of a mobile phone with all basic features,
sufficient to do day-to-day operations. Also I looked for a branded mobile phone manufacturer who
is selling highest number of mobile phones in India. So my option turns to be Nokia 6030.
I dont have much idea at that time about looking into the features, cost comparison,
resale value etc, since it is my first mobile phone. Also I was not aware about the frequent
introduction of new models into the market by the mobile phone manufacturers and outdate of the
existing model.
When I peek into this, I find that all mobile phone manufacturers are much more
interested to outdate old models and create new models for increasing the purchase cost and
reducing the resale value. Some mobile phone dealers have exchange offers frequently in which
all branded old mobile phones are replaced for a new one. The hidden thing is that even though a
customer exchange his / her old mobile phones which is sparingly used (or) bought within a period
of 6 months to 1 year, the customer gets a maximum 40% of the cost of the mobile phone.
For example, if I go for an exchange offer, my mobile phone Nokia 6030 will be valued at
40% of Rs. 5200. which gives only Rs. 2080, even though my mobile phone is only 8 months old.
One more thing. You cannot keep the same mobile phone in the long run. Sooner (or) later
that particular model remains obsolete and thereby no one is interested to buy the mobile phone.
For example, if I keep my mobile phone Nokia 6030 for another two years, may be this
model will be completely stopped from production and very few customers retain this mobile
phone. If I want to sell my mobile phone at that time, it is really impossible to get even the 20% of
the cost of mobile phone. Finally this will end up by replacing the mobile phone through exchange
offer. There are chances that my mobile phone may not get exchange for a new one (or) the cost of
taking my mobile phone for an exchange offer will be very less.
Now let me share my experience with Nokia 6030 model.
1) Very compact and holds easily into a shirt pocket.
2) Elegant, nice looking mobile phone.
3) Good Ergonomics (how well a product is designed for practical human usability) followed.
4) Easy to use menu options.
5) Good battery life.
6) Any other Nokia mobile phone charger can be used with this one, as Nokia follows
one standard in mobile charger.
7) Nokia - Highest selling mobile phone manufacturer in India with dealers throughout
1) Nokia 6030 is the only mobile in all Nokia models which dont have the data cable for
connecting it to computer. Even buying a data cable for Nokia 6030 from other data
cable manufacturer cost you a minimum of Rs. 360 without warranty.
2) Mobile phone software have some unnoticed defect.
In menu option "Call Register", there is a sub menu called "Clear Recent call lists",
which contains options such as All, Received, Missed, Dialled. When you choose any
of the option to perform the desired operation more than once, it actually performs the
operation without displaying the user friendly message such as "Already done" to
inform the user that the operation was already performed.
3) When compared to other mobile phones with similar features such as Sony Ericcson,
colour resolution and sound are not good.
4) No camera and Infra red features.
5) Cost of Nokia 6030 falls drastically. In my case even though I bought it at a price of
Rs. 5200, price come down close to Rs. 4000 now within a short span of eight months,
thereby affecting resale value.