Coming as it does so, the Nokias 6070 has been selected for purchase by me as I longed to hear FM all alone and as also the model had in-built camera and voice-recorder. I purchased the instrument without even seriously comparing with other make but made a modest survey and paid out the money. However, the reception voice is not upto the mark as even on putting on the loudspeaker, I am unable to hear properly while on road or on walking in busy streets such as Parryscorner and Mount Road in Chennai. After taking 10 photos, when I wanted to try one more, it said "Memory full". I had to delete some to accommodate new ones. Even the quality of photos is not upto the mark. OK; cell phone will be coming with new variety and with new dimensions - but now I feel that a cell phone is just an instrument which should be useful in conversation and communication. If this very basic feature is tumbled (as the voice is not clear), then one has to be very careful while choosing the model as It is not worthwhile to buy the cell phone very often. People advised me that too much of features will disenable the services as they further added that a camera, or a voice-recorder or FM for that matter are all available - stand alone. Why should a cell phone hold all such add-ons distorting the very purpose of a communication. They ask.
Now, I move on to the usage of cell phones. By and large, the cell phone is very useful. Even during times of exigencies, the whereabouts can be known and timely action can be taken. On the negative side of this invention, leaving the health problems due to continued use of the same, the practice of exchanging views over letters - which will definitely create an indelible impression in the minds of the readers only to be cherised throughout their life - has been ruthlessly massacred. When we fail to lift the call due to some situations like natures call or something others, the calls registered as "missed calls" will create some sort of unpleasantries in the minds of the callers leading to major relationship break-up in some cases. A hue and cry was raised among the greeting card sellers that their sales had fallen due to the message sending feature of cell phone. The propoganda of cell phone operators that the incoming calls will be free for life - makes mockery of living itself. There was a cartoon in a daily that "this operator guarantees incoming calls free for not only this life but also the lives to take place!". This kind of thinking even though may kindle a laughter but when seriously given a thought, will question pandora box like the very existence of man or the cultural values of birth and death and other mysteries to mankind. True, cell phone is the best invention but then it should be put to the betterment of the livelihood and certainly not to spoil the culture and other values being uphold by the mankind. *