: Let me start of by saying that this phone ( Nokia 6100 ) is simply the best phone Ive ever had. I had a nokia 5110 in the very begining some 5 years ago when mobile phones were just coming into the market...then I thought I needed a small phone with neat looks..so I went for Sony Ericsson T105...which I later found out that it was a complete mess.
I had this perception that why the heck is everyone going for Nokia phones?..when there are some other good and cheap phones by Sony Ericsson. But I soon found out (after I brought this new Nokia 6100)...that no one can beat Nokia....by the quality of phones they make. Just carefully look at the design of the phone...its so perfectly designed, its very light in weight..only 76 gm (with battery)..a longggg battery life, excellent excellent sound reception & sound quality. It even has a nice and bright color display with GPRS offcourse...also comes with Infra red port!...and that is a big help coz u can re-think your decision of activating GPRS for your phone...u can download wallpapers and ringtones from your pc!!
Charging time is really fast...only about 80-90 minutes. It even has a loudspeaker option so that a group of people can communicate at the same time. Its having a nice and rigid body and chances of getting a scratch or breaking is never experienced even if it is dropped by mistake. It even has a tri-band and Wallet feature although it lakes Bluetooth and FM radio. And camera is optional.
I would recommend this phone for :
1) amazing looks
2) design (dimensions)
3) Excellent sound quality
4) Range and reception
5) Features
6) Battery life
7) Ease of use
8) Nokia support and brand name.
There are absolutely no design faults (like there are in some sony ericsson and motorola phones). Truely a phone for that effective communication