As I am a user of n6233 . I know its all features and function and very familiar with its sound. Letz begin with its features and functions.
It that sound which can b heard far from the consecutive 3 rooms in house. It has flight mode which enables u to give maximum satisfaction while hearing provide a stereophonic headphone which is really awesome and the most koolest thing with 6233.
Its camera is so really impressed me as its rate in not so high. It is very affordable to each an every person who need a complete mobile in the segment of 8k to 9k. Its design is good.
I must say to each n evry person without spending lots of money in higher range u can prefer 6233 becuz it is quite cheaper than other handsets and u can get all the function which a mobile have more than 12000 cost.I know that I bought most reliable and beat handset....its ur chcoice as im the user I will prefer that ll my friends , relatives and collegues use this handset and give their reviews in mouth shut.....for further information if any one is interested to know more can call me . my cell number is mentioned below my name....
Enjoy this rocking handset this handset is awesome, superb, mindblowing
From ,
Suraj Sukhramani