I bought nokia 6265 and within 2 months the display went off. then the sound and then the camera aswell. I had to put it on speakers all time. then I gave it for repairs , a good place like indore has 3 nokia priority centers in my knowledge . the main center said we will have to send it to delhi and it will take 2 weeks . I said fine , it came after 6 weeks. only the display was working but they did not take care of the sound at all, also my complaint that the phone is not reading my card despite my card has been formatted.
I complained, they said take it or we will have to send it back to delhi for repairs . they did not look in to the matter for me even. scared I said I need a replacement , they said no way , I said I am in warranty they said no way again . I called up the customer care to find out what can I do , they said show it at our center , I told them what their center said , they said we cant do anything about it .
I said I need the address and name of the concerned authority in that case , I said I want to send and notice. they refused to give me the address or lodge a compmaint and give me the complaint number and banged the phone down.i had to use it like that only , also as per the policy I can not show it to some one outside else the warranty expires. again the display went and I told them , they said no replacements , they said we will have to send it backto delhi . again I sent and again it came back with the display solution but not my ear solution , and also my card reading problem. I told them that when I speak on it for five minutes or more the whole ear piece gets hot and I get headache. they said you need to see your doctor and nothing can be done about the product . may be you had a bad luck when you purchased this set.
nokia , I had a great faith in your name . but its shook big time . I prefer local mobiles over you . atelast they give proper services. the problem that iam facing a lot of people do with your handsent . . internet is full of these complaints. strange but you have not replied to many a people here even, despite the fact that this website has given nightmares to poor service . you just want to sell but not to serve. I spent 15500 rs on my mobile and what I get.? I bought a 700 rs haier mobile phone and I am glad to announce that you must learn from it.
the whole body of your phone goes bad despite due care.
great job mouthshut . keep it up !!
give me my money or do reolace my cell. .