Its gonna be exactly a year on 31st March since iam using this phone.
Overall its been a nice phone with all the basic features except autofocus camera. Being on a S40 Platform and Jave software, it does not support the numerous symbian based software, but I guess it just depends on the user how deeply he wants to go on the phone.
The Sound quality is a decent one especially on the loudspeakers as it has two speakers, but still lacks in pure digital sounds of SE Walkman series phones, especially W550i
The Camera is also nice as it has the flash to take care.
The screen resolution is the best in its class but it eats on to the battery life which is exactly between 40-48 hours with an average of 1 hour of talk time in it.The looks are somewhat boring but I guess the screen resolution and the loudspeaker sound covers for it.
Now it is priced right and I feel it is value for money phone.Reg reboot issues- I face this problem quite often when I have sent a message and awaiting delivery report and I click on the red button before that the phone will reboot limitedly. I guess a software niggle which must have been sorted out by now in the later versions.
Hope you guys find this reveiw to your interest.
Awaiting comments.